Gordon College Welcomes Accreditation Team

Gordon College Welcomes Accreditation Team
Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Gordon College (GC) kicked off its school accreditation process today with a warm welcome for the visiting team from the accreditation body. GC faculty, staff, and students are eager to showcase the institution’s best practices in teaching, learning, and overall academic environment.

The first day of accreditation process began as the accreditation team commenced a comprehensive evaluation, meticulously observing educational programs and visiting classrooms firsthand. This examination will continue over the next few days, providing a thorough assessment of Gordon College’s academic excellence and ensuring it meets the high standards of educational quality.


✍🏻: Princess Alliyah B. Danday | News Correspondent

📸: Lauren Sanita | Photojournalist

John Christian Rocero | Broadcaster